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Speaker Biographies


Stephen Schondelmeyer, Pharm. D. MPubAdm, Ph.D., FaPhA
Professor of Pharmaceutical Economics at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy


Dr. Schondelmeyer is a professor in the University of Minnesota’s College of Pharmacy where he holds the Century Mortar Club Endowed Chair in Pharmaceutical Management & Economics. He serves as the Director of the PRIME Institute, which focuses on pharmaceutical research related to economic and public policy issues related to pharmaceuticals and pharmacists.

For the past 3 years, Dr. Schondelmeyer has worked along with Dr. Michael Osterholm as the co-principal investigator of the Resilient Drug Supply Project (RDSP) in the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP). The RDSP focuses on the global supply chain for all prescription drug products used in the U.S. healthcare market in order to reduce or avoid disruptions from any cause and for any reason. The overall goal is to predict, prevent, and eliminate drug shortages in the U.S. market.


Dr. Schondelmeyer served on the Minnesota Attorney General’s Advisory Task Force on Lowering Pharmaceutical Drug Prices (2019-2020) and the Minnesota Dept. of Commerce’s PBM Rulemaking Advisory Committee (2020). He was appointed to the Prescription Drug Payment Review Commission, which served in an oversight and advisory capacity to the U.S. Congress for the outpatient drug program authorized under the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988. He has conducted policy analysis in many areas, such as reimbursement of prescription drugs under Medicaid, Medicare, managed care, and other third-party programs. He has conducted research projects for a variety of sponsors, including the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the US Government Accountability Office (GAO), the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), the US Senate Special Committee on Aging, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the pharmaceutical industry, and pharmacy associations.

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